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Independent Game Reviews:


The Free RPG Blog
"BRUTAL is far from just a name. It's an ethos that David has carried throughout this gorey, wicked and belligerent fantasy roleplaying game. If performing acts of violence without hesitation to NPCs or PCs is your desire, then Brutal will satiate your thirst in several dimensions. Its roots are set deep in war game clay but unashamedly draws strength from this solid base, rather than dressing itself up in hokey modern ideas."
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Troll and Flame
"It's a great game. Exactly what a rules-lite, combat heavy miniatures game should be. Fun, fast and furious! Definitely what I'd use to play a Dungeon Reality Show based off of Blood Bowl. It also has great art because the creator, David J. Stanley, doesn't want it to look like ass. So, he pays a lot of money commissioning talented artists to make art for his free game."
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Knights of the Dinner Table - Brian's Small Press Picks - No. 59
"The blood flows quickly and the deaths pile up, and the result is a game that is a blast to play.  I can give a game no higher praise."
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Dee Gee on Facebook (August 20, 2014)
"I wanted to take a moment to thank you for pointing me in the direction of your roleplaying/combat game: BRUTAL: Big Bad Ball Busting Bloody Battles. You’ve truly put together a quality product. While I haven’t had the opportunity to take it out for a test drive, it looks great. Presentation and Error-free editing means a lot. People pay a lot of money for books that are sloppily put together and poorly edited, but you’re giving away a product that looks better than a lot of the stuff people pay for. I wish you success in getting Brutal out of your house and onto the tables of gamers everywhere."


Big Bad Ball Busting Bloody Battles
A Table Top Role Playing Game

Always 100% Free !!!
Game Rule PDFs

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# of Players
2 to 12, Best 4 to 6
Age of Players
14 and up. Must be able to roll a pile of six-sided dice then quickly add up the total sum.
Very Crunchy
Learn the rules and pool together all the dice you can!
Sub Domains
Strategy Game, Thematic Game, War Game
Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Horror, Fighting, Miniatures
War Game Mechanics
Cooperative Play, Competitive Play, Dice Rolling, Grid Movement
Role Playing Mechanics
Opposing dice rolls
Attribute and Ability, Stat-based
Dice Pooling (Primarily d6)
Point Based Skills
Race Based Special Skills

This game is for serious players only! Hordes of Heart-Pounding, Heavy-Hitting, Hack-and-Slash action adventure await! This game is not for sissy players who don't want their characters to die. In a BRUTAL game, your characters get killed all the time. How long can your characters stay alive?

2020-05-17 - v5.1 edition
2019-09-07 - v5.0 edition
2016-02-04 - v4.1 edition
2013-11-10 - v4.0 edition
2004-04-26 - v3.0 edition
2004-02-02 - v2.0 edition
1997-05-12 - v1.0 edition

Print It Yourself (PIY)
BRUTAL is a free game, distributed as PDF files. This means the game is free for you to download, print, and share "freely" with your friends, but you may never make any profit off the BRUTAL game, or any of it's supporting documents.
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Be sure to understand all the copyrights.
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Publishing Your Own Content (Licensing)
Curious about publishing your own monsters, characters, spells, magic items, and adventures based on BRUTAL?
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BRUTAL T-shirts are now available for purchase in a variety of styles and colors.
There are different pictures and different T-shirts styles.
You can mix and match to get the T-shirt perfect for you.
Most T-shirts start under $20 at

See all our products here!
* * * BrutalRPG has acquired written leagal permission to use the art found within these shirts. * * *
Larry Elmore David Wong Andy Hopp
James Bolinger Zac Henderson Erix Barnett
David Stanley Dean Kuhta Justus Von Karger
Joseph Garcia Kosmic Dungeon
Steven Brown, Scott Tabar, Todd Goss, Erix Barnett, Rusty Braithwaite, Kristina Stanley, Alisha Grottkau, Tony, Jen, Corbett, and nearly 100 others all across the United States.

David J. Stanley
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Since February 2005
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