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Dragon's Reach Updates


Recent Updates

This is a very new set of books and is still a bit buggy with spelling errors, page numbering issues, etc.  If you happen to find anything, please let us know so we can fix it.  Then check back often for updates, corrections, and those oh so exciting new additions.

2014-05-20 Dragon's Reach
Updated the Dragon's Reach map
Added the "Cities" page with brief intros and new maps

2014-05-04 Dragon's Reach
Added the players copy of the region map

2014-04-25 Bloodstorm City
Created a new city map image
Updated the players copy of the city map

2013-12-10 Dragon's Reach Travel and Trade
Created the "Dragon's Reach" Travel and Trade web pages

2013-12-03 Dragon's Reach Web Pages
Created the "Dragon's Reach" web pages
Created the a sub-menu: About, Maps, Adventure, and Updates

2013-11-20 4th Edition Updates
Orcs Among Us
Blood Storm City Map

2005-02-10 Sullcap Dungeon 
On Page 10, centered the page number

2005-01-20 Adventure Updates 
Split the Download page into the Game Rules and Adventure Page 
First release of Haunted Bog

2004-05-28 KublaCon Convention
Ran 4 scheduled games by David Stanley
Ran 3 seheduled games by Scott Tabar
Plenty of Open Gaming
Gave away 4 pre-printed binders to random players

2004-05-26 Adventure Updates 
Fixed a lot of spelling errors.  
Split the Skullcap Tower into two different adventures: The Tower and The Dungeon. 
Implemented some standards as defined in the "Adventure Writing Guide"

2004-05-13 Adventure Writing Guide 
First draft of Adventure Writing Kit

2004-05-09 More Adventures 
Added "The Bottomless Pit" - Moderate 
Added "Skullcap Tower: - Difficult

2004-02-14 DundraCon Convention
Ran 4 scheduled games by David Stanley
Ran 3 seheduled games by Todd Goss
Found 2 new local gamers in Sacramento 
Plenty of Open Gaming
Gave away 3 pre-printed binders to random players

2004-02-11 Release of Sample Characters 
David Wong donated 9 character sketches 
At long last we have some pre-generated sample characters

2004-02-10 Release of Sample Adventure "Orcs Among Us" 
At long last we have a sample adventure to help explain the rules 
Provides verbose descriptions on how to play 
Offers a hands-on approach


David J. Stanley
| Copyrights ]

Activity during past 30 days
Since February 2005
Average: 18 per day.